The Class 56 Group

Month: June 2016

  • 56302 goes to WSR

    56302 is heading to the West Somerset Railway at Bishops Lydeard on Thursday and will work at their mixed-traffic gala on Saturday and Sunday. It will work two trains on each of Saturday and Sunday but is on display only on Friday for its naming ceremony

  • 56312 6Z34 0946 Cardiff Tidal TC – Leicester LIP

    56312 6Z34 0946 Cardiff Tidal TC – Leicester LIP

    Once again 56312 is seen working the DCR Scrap. Leaving Cardiff Tidal T.C at 09:46, due Leicester L.I.P. at 17:05. Seen here heading towards Over Bridge on the southern approach to Gloucester Station having traversed the “Lydney Road” from Severn Tunnel Junction.