The Class 56 Group

56301 workings for Monday 31st July 2023

56301 plus 56091 should work in multiple on tomorrows Isle of Grain working . 4Z70 09:24 Willesden – Grain & 6Z71 14:24 Grain – Willesden.

Realtime Trains | 4Z70 0924 Willesden Dc Rail Sidings to Grain Foster Yeoman Gbrf | 31/07/2023

Realtime Trains | 6Z71 1424 Grain Foster Yeoman Gbrf to Willesden Dc Rail Sidings | 31/07/2023

56301 will lead on the outward trip and 56091 will lead on the way back ( subject to any rerouting of the train on the day).

Last weeks trip to Merehead saw 56091 lead on both the outward and return working. Some observers noted this and questioned this , however there was nothing wrong with 56301, the method of working at Merehead involves a traingle to run round the train and that results in the same loco leading in and out .



