The Class 56 Group

April 2017 class 56 workings


56078+56087  worked 2109 Whitemoor – Hauhley Jcn (Near Stowmarket)

56094  worked 2239 Tyne – Durham Sig TY358(arr 2325)

56113  worked 2120 Doncaster Decoy- Ulceby (arr 2350)


56078+56087 worked  0820 from  Hauhley Jcn (Near Stowmarket)

56094 ran as 0745 from Chester Le Street (arr Tyne 0759)

56113 ran as  0915 Humber Road Junction  (arr Doncaster up Decoy 1023)


56302 ran to Prestwick yesterday and is back at Grangemouth.


56302 ran to Prestwick yesterday and is back at Grangemouth.

56078 & 56087 at Whitemoor and worked 6C60 0020 Whitemoor-March West Jcn and associated return on 9/4 6C60 08xx Whitemoor Jcn -Whitemoor Yard.

56094  at Tyne and worked  2355 Tyne-Durham and came back SUN 9/4 as  0735 Chester-le-Street.

56096 is at Basford Hall after working up from Coleham/Shrewsbury in convoy with 97304, 70811 & 70813 . The working ran as 0Z97 so presumably the 97 was the train engine.

56105 has worked the Boston steel trip during the last week but is currently at Washwood Heath along with 56113.



56302 on Grangemouth – Prestwick Oil tanks (for timings see below)

56303 , which seems to have replaced 31452 as the Derby trip loco ran to Leicester and back


56113 took 47749 from Washwood Heath to Carlisle

56094 was logged at Doncaster . Its date of movement from Tyne went unrecorded.


56113 ran back light to Basford Hall and 56302 had worked back south from Grangemouth and worked an overnight engineers trip to Outbeck and back.

56078 + 56087 ran to Parkeston Quay


56113 + 56302 had worked back to Washwood Heath


56078+ 56087 worked from Parkeston to Stowmarket and then back to Washwood Heath via London and Rugby


56105 worked 6E07 & 6M08 (Boston)

23/4/17 56078 ran to Cardiff Canton from WWH with 15 HHA hoppers

25/4/17 after running light from WWH to Burton to rescue 56096 which had failed at Burton on the 24/4 on the return Boston Steel working, 56087 joined 56078 at Canton in readiness for working a sand train from Neath Abbey Marsh to Stourton.

56105 worked the WWH- Boston train , which was running later than normal due to the previous days problem with 56096.

This ran on Wednesday evening as 6Z44 1843 (act dep was 1643) and arrived at Stourton at 04xx Thursday morning.

The return working looks to be 1000 (see TODAYS WORKINGS section)

28th April 2017

56094 worked 6D73 Lindsey Oil Refinery to Drax Power Station arriving Drax 0745

Return working should be 1737 back to Lindsey.

56094 has been working engineering trips from Doncaster Decoy

The rest of the Colas fleet are at Washwood Heath and one 56 should venture out on the Boston Steel working during the week.

56303 is sat at Derby and 56312 is still at Eastleigh works.

56312 is apparently waiting for some wagons to be ready but the wagons are still undergoing repairs.










