The Class 56 Group

C56G AGM Saturday 27th July 2024 – Bury ELR

The meeting will take place at the East Lancashire Railways, Baron Street works. Baron Street BL9 0TY.

The location is only a short walk from the Metrolink Interchange in Bury town centre.

The meeting starts around 12:30 and the AGM for the Limited Company will take place first and the C56G AGM will follow on at around 13:00.

A light buffet will be provided as usual and it would help to plan the buffet if anyone thinking of attending could let us me know via the e-mails inside the rear cover of Gridiron.

There will be an opportunity for members to a look around the facilities and also a chance for potential volunteers to meet the rapidly growing team and have a go at working on 56006 as we plan a full working day on Sunday.

For those unable to attend and wishing to vote by proxy should contact the Group Secretary for more details.

Anyone wishing to put up for a committee post should also get in contact via the Sectretary. Of course some may not feel they want to stand for a committee post as it can feel like by standing you are stating that the current committee member is not doing a good job. And that may well be the case, but alternatively someone can stand to support a committee role- for example someone could stand to help out with the admin on the Secretarial or Finance aspects.

Two positions we desperately need to fill are that of Website/Social Media Officer and Sales Officer. (Of course one person could cover both roles as there is certainly some common areas )

One aspect of the AGM which has grown in recent years is the social aspect of the AGM with several members staying over on the Saturday night. A visit to the ELR’s Trackside Bar, and then off for a curry and a good chat ( not all about trains).

Remember its your Class 56 Group , so please try and contribute to the running of the group by attending or at least taking up the option of casting your proxy vote.

The C56G Committee look forward to seeing you there.



