The Class 56 Group

Author: Mike Webb

  • Galleries for all locos in class

    We have now created galleries for all 135 locos in the class, take a walk down memory-lane with us here

  • More Grid Galleries …

    Yep, we now have galleries up for the first 50 members of the class. Take a look at our galleries pages here

  • First 20 Grid Galleries published

    We have just published our first two albums containing fots of the first 20 locos in the class. Join us for a walk down memory lane and keep your eyes on the site as we add fots of all 135 locos over the coming weeks and months 🙂 Take a look at our galleries here

  • Grid Photo Albums

    Keep an eye out on our site as we’ll shortly be putting together a comprehensive photo gallery of every member of the class built. In the mean time enjoy 56001 …

  • January 2017 – Grid News Round-Up

    26/1/17– Colas 56087 worked 6E07 – Boston and DCR 56312 continued on the Calvert – Willesden duty. 24/1/17 Colas 56105 ran light from Doncaster Marshgate to Washwood Heath. 23/1/17 56113 hauled 56096 +60002 + 56302 back to Washwood Heath from Crewe Basford Hall. 22/1/17 56096 +56302 were stabled at Chester and 56113 & 60002 were…