Monday 10th September 2018

DCR ‘Grid’ on the move – 56103 has finally broken cover from Willesden today, being deployed to work a number of DC Rail route learners. It worked the 0Z23 0730 Willesden DC Rail Sidings – Ferme Park Reception Sidings, 0Z24 0829 Ferme Park RS – Cricklewood Up Goods Loop, 0Z25 0904 Cricklewood UGL – Ferme Park RS, 0Z26 1034 Ferme Park RS – Upper Holloway Up Goods Loop, 0Z27 1257 Upper Holloway UGL – Ferme Park RS and finally the 0Z28 1432 Ferme Park RS – Willesden DC Rail Sidings. These trips are in readiness for DC Rail recommencing traffic to Barrington, which is once again likely to produce class 56 traction.

Colas Rail movements – 56087 & 56094 worked the 6M32 Lindsey Oil Refinery – Preston Docks (Ribble Rail) & 6E32 return today, whilst 56302 ran light engine from Grangemouth to View Park this morning as 0Z11.
Class 56 Image Collection – John Hooson, a long time group member and keen supporter of the class, has kindly offered to share a link to his excellent class 56 image collection, depicting various loco members (both on the mainline and in preservation) taken across the length and breadth of the country over the last 35 years or so. Please follow this link.